Monday, November 22, 2010

El Dorado Fit

We wanted to created a site for anyone to become more aware of fitness events going on in the El Dorado community.

Increasing your daily activity level is an important part of staying fit and leading a healthy lifestyle.
It is easier than you think to look and feel your best! Start by making small changes in your daily routine.
Consistency is important so hold yourself accountable for activities you know you can stick to.

Top 10 Reasons People Don't Exercise:
  1. Don't have the time -  We, breakfast, spouse, lunch, work, dinner, your schedule is crazy and it would be impossible to budget in a 30 minute workout . Seriously, there is no way (with your schedule) you could make a commitment to make time for 30 minutes of exercise a priority in your day. 
  2. I don't want to bring my gym bag to work/school - The bag is big and bulky and smells a little bit funny. You don't have the time to pack it every night. So why not just ditch the bag (and the workout too). 
  3. I don't want to get big muscles - The more you say it the more you believe it. Your muscles will not "bulk" up from lifting 5, 10 or even 15 pound dumbbells. Try it first, you will like your results if you stick with the program.
  4.  I get bored exercising - Treadmills bore me, I am walking in the same place. When I get on the bicycle I just pedal, pedal, pedal and never move. Sometimes exercise can be boring. And what makes it more boring is the fact that there is only one or two ways to do things. You have to stop being boring and try a new machine, a new class, or spring for a personal trainer. 
  5. The weather is too nice/too cold/too windy/ too hot -  The weather anchor is calling for a monsoon this evening and since weather people are always 100% accurate, you had better call off the workout. Because we know there are no exercises that you can do in your home.
  6. AHH! It's the beginning of the year, there is nowhere to park -  All the New Year Resolutioner's are at they gym these days.  They take all the best parking spots. You have to circle the parking lot a couple of times just to find a decent spot. Yes, you might have to walk from a distance (last row) into the gym.
  7. I have other "important" things to do - Being healthy is important.  But paying your bills is pretty important. The cooking needs to be done and this house needs to be cleaned. Don't forget the new television show comes on tonight too. Cause we know the more you put off exercise the worse you health can get as well.
  8. Too expensive to join the gym - monthlyy rates for your local gym are through the roof and we all know you can’t exercise unless you have all everything you need. DVD's, Internet, or better yet just the great outdoors are at your dispose.
  9. My kids need me - Yes, this is for all my parents. We make special excuses in which we can blame our kids for. We are so responsible, so dedicated, so willing to do what’s best for our children that we routinely put their needs before our own. So why not skip the workout routine. No children I know of like running outside, playing a game of tag, etc. you know that when it comes to fun physical activities, they really want no part of it, so there would certainly be no way on earth you could ever incorporate them into your exercise routine. This would be a great reason to exercise, just to get in shape to keep up with your kids.
  10. I am too tired - YAWN! Of course you are too tired. Feeling tired is the body’s way of telling you to go to sleep, and sleep is the opposite of exercise. There’s always tomorrow, you’ll be far less tired tomorrow.
Cold Weather Running Tips
Yes, it's the most wonderful time of the year. Family, friends, gifts, and snow. Oh the joy of cold, ice, sleet and snow brings most people a challenge. How to dress in properly for an outdoor run. Let's address it from "head to toe"

If the temperature dips below zero or the wind chill is below minus 20, hit the treadmill instead.

You're going to warm up once you get moving, so you should feel a little bit chilly when you start your run. A good rule of thumb: Dress as if it's 20 degrees warmer outside than it really is.

    Be Prepared:
Cotton is never good when it is raining.  Cotton will absorb moisture, stick to your skin and add much unwanted weight. Look for synthetic blends when buying running gear as most suppliers now carry clothing more suitable for cold and wet weather. Consider every aspect of your gear from head to toe. Having the appropriate gear will make your run more enjoyable, but also more effective.

Dress in Layers: Wearing layers of clothing helps because it keeps moisture from building up close to your body.  When you sweat, the moisture is captured by the under layers of clothing; however, your outer layers stay dry, thus keeping your overall body temperature warm.  Try dressing in a running jacket that is made of wicking material which “wicks” moisture away from your body.  Dress in enough layers so it feels a slight bit cold when you first step outside.  This way, when your body heats up, you will be dressed appropriately.

Dress Flexible:  This does not mean dressing in clothing that gives you more freedom of movement, but rather flexibility to be able to adjust your clothing levels during your run.  Wearing clothing in layers is one way to do this because you can take off certain items during your run.  Gloves and hats are perfect for flexible running gear because they are easy to take off without losing a step in your stride.  They are also easily stored in a jacket or pants pockets.  Always wear a lot of running clothes with zippers not only so you can store running gear, but also so you can adjust your core body clothing coverage during your run
  •  About 40% of your body heat is lost through your head. Wearing a hat will help prevent heat loss, so your circulatory system will have more heat to distribute to the rest of the body. When it's really cold, wear a face mask or a scarf over your mouth to warm the air you breathe and protect your face.
Don’t Forget To Hydrate:  Even though you can’t feel yourself sweating in the dry, winter air, you must continue to hydrate. The more dehydrated you become, the more you will be susceptible to the cold and to hypothermia. Remember to drink, drink, drink. (water, water, Gatorade).


Friday, November 19, 2010

TRX Suspension Training- Group Exercise Class

TRX, is the the hottest, newest  fitness product out! Be a part of the talk and rock your core, legs, arms with our new product.

TRX is a type of training tool that uses your own body weight and gravity, to build strength,balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability, all while preventing injuries.